How to fix Most common Startup Problems ? Won't Boot Up - Windows 10 / windows 8

Windows-based computer may have problems during startup.Windows 10 Startup problems are very common.Very common issues like Black screen, Boot loop. Below listed the most common problems and solutions to the Windows 10 / windows 8 can not starting / Boot Up problem.

1st Method . Check Laptop OR Pc Hardware Like(Memory/RAM,Hard Drive,PCI/PCI-E )properly Connected.

  • Memory/RAM (Random-access memory)

 First of all remove all ram. Test one by one and find which one are bed. When you find the RAM are bad. You can replace new ram if all Ram are bad.then the problem is memory slot. Maybe problem in your Ram. Remove RAM and clean it and put again in slot.

  • PCI/PCI-E(Peripheral Component Interconnect Express)

 Check all PCI Express devices/cables are properly connected to motherboard. Make sure your pci-e devices working properly.

  • Hard Drive 

In some cases problem in your hard drive. Check hard drive SATA cables are properly connected to motherboard. If already connected remove SATA cables clean it and put again. And check your SATA cable wire can not damage.

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